Price comparison Banu Merchantman

Price comparison Banu Merchantman. Although there are mayn other factors that influence the price, and we are not exactly comparing apples with apples, this simple comparison will give you a good idea of where the Banu Merchantman fits in terms of value for money,

Banu Merchantman $250 - 100m - Cost per meter = $2.5

Starfarer - $300 - 100m  - Cost per meter = $3
Starfarer Gemini $340 - 100m  - Cost per meter = $3.4
Retaliator Base $150 - 71m  - Cost per meter = $2.11
Caterpillar $295 - 67m  - Cost per meter = $4.4
Constellation Andromeda $220 - 61.10m  - Cost per meter = $3.6
Carrack $350 - 123m  - Cost per meter = $2.84

ShipPrice USDCargo CapacityRatio
Banu Merchantman$250.005018$0.05
Starfarer Gemini$340.003321$0.10
Retaliator Base $150.00128$1.17
Constellation Andromeda$220.00134$1.64
Constellation Taurus$150.00243$0.62
Freelancer MAX$140.00123$1.14
Freelancer $110.0052$2.12

From the above it is obvious that the Banu Merchantman is cheapest option per cargo unit. This is of course not taking into consideration the operational costs of each ship.

Except for the Retaliator Base, the Banu Merchantman also is the cheapest cost per meter. This is mainly because the Retaliator Base does not have the module costs factored into the length comparison. If the cargo modules are factored into the calculation, the Banu Merchantman is by far the cheaper.